1. My Job is the Problem!
When we blame our job, it's usually we who are the problem. If you belief that job is a drag, your job will be boring and unpleasent. If you believe "Work is fun", you will succeed and become btter in your career. It's not the job, it's what you believe that makes the difference.
2. But I don't make enough Money!
"I don't make enough at my job, but this is all I can do!" Change what you believe, and you'll get a new job or start part-time business, rearrange your finances, develop more skills, work for a promotion. Prosperity involves running your own mind- regardless of what your parents and social media says.
3. My Finances.
Wherher or not you are on a salary, your beliefs determine your prosperity. The difference-not the money they make but what they believ about the money. When your self-image doesn't fit your bank balance, it's easier to change your bank balance. People think money will fix their problems. "I am always broke" is a believe system and a reason for it.It's our thoughts which control our lives, not externals.
4. Get comfortable with Money.
Most people are more embarrassed about money than sex. In order to have something in your life, and keep it, you have to be comfortable with. To make money and keep it, you must be comfortable with money.Prosperity is not necessarily a money thing! It is a lifestyle thing. To be a success you have to begin to live it, you have to feel it now.
Exerpt from the book "Follow your heart." by Andrew Matthews, link here. Go Back to Main Page.